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What is Cholesterol?

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Here we tell you what cholesterol is and some keys to understanding how it works, whether it is good or bad, and how cases are at risk our health.

Keys to Understanding What is Cholesterol

It is difficult when a physician speaking to a person with medical terms, as usually do not understand what they say. But here you really explain what the cholesterol, so you know interpret indicators and analyze the best steps to decrease.

HealthYou do not have to suffer from high cholesterol to this article interests you, it is still good to read this information so that you avoid suffering one of the deadliest diseases on the planet.

What is cholesterol?

To humans, cholesterol is an essential molecules of life. Is found throughout the structure of the cells of the body and is essential in the formation of some hormones such as testosterone (steroid hormone), estrogen, cortisol and vitamin D. It is so important that evolution has ensured that our Body always keep in mind, since each cell has the ability to generate to allow the body to function properly.

How can impair cholesterol our body?

There are times when excess cholesterol is produced, having due accumulation in the artery , forming a plate which is detrimental. This creates a condition known as “atherosclerosis” and is one of the main causes of heart problems.

The problem occurs when the accumulated plaque ruptures and blood clots is there. This can result in blockage of the artery, and therefore blood flow and can cause a heart attack.

Another important point to understand what cholesterol and heart disease, is inflammation caused by a type of sterol (which in this case is cholesterol); and this occurs when the arterial wall through and is absorbed by a cell macrophage, making an endless spiral in which inflammation causes a body response is initiated, and that generates more inflammation response.

What is the total cholesterol, LDL and HDL?

Usually when we talk about “cholesterol” we are not referring to its literal meaning, but the molecules (lipoproteins) in charge of transport in the blood, as it dissolves in fat and unable to move on its own.

Of different types of lipoproteins, the most important are the LDL and HDL:

  • LDL: It is known as the bad cholesterol, the medical term is “LDL intensity.”
  • HDL: Known as good cholesterol, and its medical term is “high density lipoprotein”.

However, it is incorrect to call them “good” cholesterol or “bad cholesterol” because these lipoproteins did not vary, which changes its status is his vehicle.

What does having high cholesterol levels?

In saying that the level of total cholesterol is high, it means the amount that is carried in the blood is high, and this is not related to transporting lipoprotein charge. On the other hand, when we talk about a high level of LDL or HDL , we refer to the medium in which the cells of cholesterol transport.

We can classify the LDL lipoproteins as follows:

By size: Small, dense LDL stands (approximately 3-fold increased risk of heart problems) also called large LDL. On the number of particles : LDL-p.

How to know if health is at risk?

This is determined by the number of LDL particles p and he is described as “good” or “bad”. To mobilize or transport the same amount of cholesterol, denser and smaller particles are needed, rather than larger particles, which is why a person who has a greater amount of LDL (dense and small), has a higher amount of total lipoproteins (p-LDL).

In short, the higher the number of small dense LDL, there will be an increased number of LDL-p, and hence a greater possibility of heart disease.

How to reduce the amounts of LDL particles?

As it mentioned above: what matters is not the amount of cholesterol, but the amount of lipoproteins that transport should. Numerous studies have found that low-carbohydrate diets reduce the level of LDL particles. Moreover, it has also shown that refined carbohydrates and increase fructose triglycerides and LDL-p. However, there are cases where people on low-carbohydrate diets also have high LDL-p.

It depends on the body. One type of diet can have different results in different people. With this information you’ll understand what cholesterol is, and determine what steps to reduce LDL, or prevent any type of heart disease.

About Post Author

Tiffany Hurd

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.
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