Your domain name is your registered address on the Internet. It is the location where you direct your customers or readers to find out more about your products or services. The name should reflect who you are and what you intend to offer to your online audience. You may also use your website as a communication source and to allow your readers to purchase products and contact your company.
Web Address Plus Extension
All websites must have an exclusive address plus an extension. .COM is the most popular extension that many companies and bloggers use for their domain names. It is also recognized as the top-level name for commerce sites. However, there are many website extensions that you can choose from to help brand your company online.
Below are more common extensions in addition to .COM that may help you distinguish your company and the type of services that you provide. You can also type a phrase and include a specific extension to direct the search engines to find similar websites. For example, you may search technology schools .edu, and the search results will include websites that have the .edu extension.
.NET and .ORG
.NET means network, and .ORG means organization. They are both top-level domain names that are easily recognized by the public. Most nonprofit organizations own websites that include either .NET or .ORG. If your company is for commercial purposes, you can still choose .NET or .ORG if it best fits your desired web address or when the .COM version is unavailable.
.EDU and .GOV—Not Available to the General Public
.EDU is primarily used by colleges and universities that offer educational services for students. To obtain this extension, you must demonstrate certain information that qualify your organization as an educational institution. .GOV is also a restricted extension used only for government sites.
Latest Trends in Domain Extensions
There are many new trends in choosing extensions. If you want a more unique domain name, consider opting for less common extensions. .LOCAL is great for sites that want to direct readers to focus on a particular local community. .Photography is a unique domain for photographers and stock image sites. Below are other new and distinctive domain extensions.
• .XYZ
Visit online digital companies, like, to buy a domain name and an extension that best suits your purpose.
Additional Tips
Once you select an appropriate extension, search for sites that may have your unique web address with another extension. If you can avoid using the same address as another site with a different extension, it will help prevent confusion among web browser who search online for your company.
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