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How much does it cost to boil a kettle?

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With the ever-increasing cost of living and the surge in energy prices, many of us are looking to change or reduce our energy usage, even in a small way, so that we can be more energy efficient and see our pennies looking after our pounds.

If a household uses gas as well as electricity, the average household monthly spend on electricity is around £80. The ‘typical household’ assumes 2-3 people living under the same roof, using around 225kWh per month. This cost is much higher for a household that also relies on electricity for heat.

Boiling a Kettle

If you fill your kettle completely each time you make a hot drink, you could save up to £109.50 per year by changing your habit and only boiling what you need. This is based on an average household that consumes 5 hot drinks per day.

Assuming the kettle has a 3kWh element, a 1.7-litre capacity, and takes around 4 minutes to boil when full, this could be costing 6p each time the button is pressed. In comparison, a kettle takes around 45 seconds to boil when only a cupful of water is heated, costing around 1.1p per boil.

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Small steps towards smarter energy usage can collectively make big changes to household bills.

Sustainable Energy

For households looking to make a larger commitment and invest in long-term energy savings and a sustainable energy source, solar panels could see households achieving energy independence from the National Grid.

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Solar panels are fitted to a house roof. They convert light from the sun into energy that can then be used as a power source. Their main component is a solar cell, which is responsible for the conversion through their photovoltaic effect.

For information on solar panels Worcester and the surrounding areas, visit a renewable energy expert such as

With the Government looking to reach net zero soon, renewable energy sources such as solar panels and heat pumps are increasingly popular. There may be funding or grants available to help households with installation costs.

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