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Passing Your Driving Test

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Learning to drive gives you the freedom to be able to go where you want, and to get there all you need to do is to pass your driving test. However, passing your driving test requires a lot of hard work, practice and determination and can take a long time.

If you are keen to learn and want to ensure that you can drive safely and confidently, here are some tips to help you on your way…

Get Regular Practice Driving

One of the best ways to learn anything is to practice, and learning to drive is no exception. Getting in regular practice helps you to build your skills and confidence. Find a driving instructor who you get on with and feel comfortable with, as they will be able to help you to build up your driving skills at your own pace.

Once a week is a good amount of practice to have with your instructor, although some people prefer to do it more or less frequently. If you are able to and have someone willing, you might also want to get learner insurance for the car of a friend or family member who will also be able to take you out with them to help you gain more confidence.

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Spend Time Learning the Highway Code

The Highway Code is something that all drivers need to know about and as well as being essential to road safety and good driving, it is also an important part of the driving theory test. The theory test is what you will take before your practical, so get it booked in early.

The Highway code covers all kinds of rules of the road, from what vehicle markings like these chapter 8 chevrons mean, to the rules when it comes to towing a caravan.

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Sleep and Eat Well Before Taking a Test

Before taking your theory or your practical test, you should make sure that you are well prepared and have rested well as well as had a good breakfast that day. Making sure that you have had plenty of sleep will give you the best chance and you should have plenty of energy for the test.

Preparing yourself for the test can also help you to be calm and relaxed.

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