As we continue to live longer and maintain better health into old age, more and more older people are enjoying an active sex life; however, this has meant an increase in STIs amongst the older generation. People need good sex education to take care of their health at all ages, with home testing kits useful in helping with this.
Sexual desire in older people
Sexual function may decrease over time, but this does not mean to say that older adults do not feel desire or want intimacy. More older adults are engaging with the internet, with one-third using social media. This increases their interaction with a sexual world, including dating apps.
Older adults can feel more confident in their sexuality than youngsters. This means that as someone ages, they might feel more inclined to experiment with new sexual experiences. Psychologically and emotionally, older people are still interested in sex. As a new survey discovers, most over-65s want more sex in their life.
Health issues
Another issue is health and safety. Many older adults are perceived to be too fragile to have an active sex life safely; however, gentle sex can be great exercise without being too strenuous. Even chronic illness does not necessarily prevent sensible sexual activity.
Intimacy, cuddling and closeness are all important aspects of a sexually fulfilling lifestyle. Communication is also key when enjoying a good sex life, with older adults often better at this than younger people due to greater maturity and empathy.
Sexually transmitted diseases
Health care providers need to have a welcoming environment for older people to discuss their sex life and be tested for STIs. Some people might feel too embarrassed to go to a clinic or talk to their doctor about STIs, so it can be useful to use a home testing kit. It is possible to test yourself for many diseases at home, such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea. If older people want to find home STI kits Greenwich has many options, such as Greenwich Sexual Health. Other cities also have clinics, while testing kits can be purchased online.
For older adults engaging in sexual activity, STIs are something they need to think about and research. Using a home testing kit is an ideal way to get tested in convenience and privacy.
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