When you are considering selling your house and moving on, you will want to make sure that you are presenting it as well as possible. As the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression and when it comes to selling your home, this first impression really counts – make a good one, and you could not only get a better price for your property, but you could also sell it more quickly, leaving you free to move onto pastures new.
Here are three things that you can do to give viewers a good first impression…
Pay Attention to the Front – The first thing that will be seen is the front of your home, so make sure that it makes the right impression. Give an old front door a lick of paint, clear any weeds and cut back bushes. If you have a garage, make sure that it is also presentable – if the door is on its last legs for example, get a replacement from this garage doors Bristol based company Up and Over doors Ltd before you put your house on the market.
De-Clutter – If you have a lot of clutter in your home, people won’t be able to see the rooms properly and it will also make it look small and cramped. Put as much stuff as you can into a storage facility and have a good sort out to get rid of things that you no longer need.
Make Repairs – We all have those odd jobs that need to be sorted – it might be a leaky tap, or a door handle that is a little loose. Well now is the time to do them, as these are all things that can be noticed by people who are looking around.
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