There are times when you might be considering changing the layout of your garden. There are a number of ways that you can achieve this and the length of time that it will take for you to redesign your garden will depend on how drastic a change this is going to be.

Planning – it is important that you plan out how you are going to redesign your garden so you can ensure that you have all the equipment and materials that you need. You might need to work with a Concrete Forest Of Dean company like to have any concrete that you need to use, delivered directly to your home.

Soil – if you are planning on replanting your garden you will need to understand what kind of soil that you have. Understanding whether your soil is clay based or free draining will help you to pick plants that will thrive in your soil type. In some cases you may also want to undertake a soil pH test. You can alter the pH level of your soil if you need to.
Light – it is also important that you think about how much light comes into each area of your garden. This again will help to determine what plants you want to have as well as the orientation of any patio areas that you are going to create.
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