Best tips to eat well and lose weight. A healthy and balanced diet is, together with physical activity. The secret weapon that allows one to live a long and healthy life. To succeed, follow our 8 tips to lose weight and eat well!
1. Mediterranean diet
Unless you have particular diseases. One of the best diets that can adapt to anyone is the famous Mediterranean diet. That consists of eating mainly:
-bread and cereals (preferably wholemeal)
-seasonal fruit and vegetables
-olive oil
-white meats and fish
-legumes and vegetables
-dairy products (cheese and yogurt)
-dried fruit
Several studies have shown that the Mediterranean Diet helps prevent various cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases, obesity, and diabetes, as it is poor in salt and sugar. It is the best tips to lose weight and eat well.
2. Reduce the salt
Salt is a very used ingredient in cooking, the problem is that very often we abuse it. Excess salt causes an increase in blood pressure, which in the long run can cause cardiovascular disease, kidney problems, and water retention. A high amount of salt causes an increase in sodium of our body that is not absolutely necessary, as we already assimilate it from many natural and/or processed foods. It is therefore important to reduce the amount of salt and to flavor, the food uses various spices. It is the best tips to lose weight and eat well. Continue Reading- “”
3. Decrease sugars
The white sugar and especially the so-called added sugars are seriously harmful to your health, especially if consumed in high amounts. Many studies have shown that sugars can cause type 2 diabetes and various heart diseases. But how can we replace it? A good alternative is brown cane sugar, or honey or stevia powder.
4.Drink lots of water
Water is a precious commodity and it is essential to drink lots of it, for various reasons. That avoids fluid retention, helps maintain active metabolism, eliminates excess salt, helps maintain a more adequate muscle tone, fights dry skin, prevents headaches, etc. It is also recommended to drink herbal teas and fruit and vegetable juices. It is the best tips to lose weight and eat well.
5.Fruit and vegetables

Seasonal fruits and vegetables should never be lacking on our tables to fill up with vitamins and minerals, taking care not to overdo the fruit as it contains carbohydrates. It is the best tips to lose weight and eat well.
6. Knowing how to read labels
Knowing how to read labels means knowing what you are eating. It is important to know how to choose foods with the right ingredients and that follow the principles of your diet. In the labels, the ingredients are listed in descending order based on the quantity. It is therefore recommended to avoid those products rich in saturated fats, salt, refined sugars, and additives. It is the best tips to lose weight and eat well.
Finally, I recommend preparing food directly at your home, such as sweets, biscuits, pasta, pizza, fruit juices, jams and so on. In this way, you will directly decide which ingredients to add and, above all, control the quantities. Eating home-made products is not only a great way to follow your diet, but it is also a great way to experiment with dishes that you have never eaten. Of course, preparing your own food does not mean that you do not have to be careful not to exceed the calories: even a homemade cream cake is high-calorie! HERE you find all our articles on recipes and cooking. It is the best tips to lose weight and eat well.
8.Ask for expert help
If you have particular diseases or if you are overweight or obese, or just have any doubts, better avoid dieting diets that you find in magazines: consult a dietitian doctor or a nutritionist to have the “right” diet for your health.
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